7 Tips To Save Money on a Renovation Project in Vancouver

Home Renovation tips in Vancouver

You’re in the process of renovating your home in North Vancouver, and you want to make sure that you get the best value for your money. We know how it feels. You have a budget in mind and you want to stay within it while still getting the work done that will make your home the most beautiful place on earth.

Well, we have good news: there are plenty of ways to save money when doing renovations in Vancouver! You can do so by making small changes or big ones, depending on what fits best into your schedule and budget. Either way, you’ll be able to find some great ideas here.

1. Plan Your Renovation Budget

his will help you stay on track and keep in mind that the renovation budget is a flexible one. You may have to make some adjustments along the way, but it’s important to plan for unexpected expenses as well as the costs you’ve already calculated for materials.

Create a table for your budget and update it as your project progresses. List every potential expense down—from paint, wallpaper, and flooring to appliances, furniture, and fixtures—then decide what needs to be purchased now or later in order to stay within your set amount of money.

2. Avoid Making Changes to Your Plans

It’s tempting to make changes to your plans once you get the go-ahead from your contractor and the city, but try not to. Making unnecessary changes is a surefire way to spend more money on your project, which defeats the whole purpose of saving money in the first place! If you’re able to stick with your original plan, then you’ll be able to stay on budget without compromising quality or functionality.

It doesn’t mean you don’t make any improvements either—just avoid making sweeping changes that will cost more money than they’re worth. For example, if there’s a small section of the wall that could use some drywall repairs or paint before construction starts, then maybe shoot for doing just that instead of gutting everything and replacing everything with brand new material? You can always add on later if necessary!

Stay focused: think about why it’s important for me/you/us (as appropriate) not only financially but also because it will help us get stuff done faster too!

  • Don’t Hire a General Contractor

Here’s the thing: if you’re looking to save money, hiring a general contractor is not your best option. A general contractor will provide oversight of the whole project, but they won’t actually be putting in any physical labor. If you want to save money and get things done quickly, it is better to hire specialists for each task rather than one person who does everything from start to finish.

And here’s another thing: if you are going to hire someone else to do work on your house, how much do they really need supervision? How many times have you heard stories about people who had their homes renovated by contractors who were supposed to be doing “supervision” but were nowhere near the job site? And how often did those same people end up with horrible experiences because of this? Don’t be part of the story!

4. Reuse

Reusing materials is a great way to save money and reduce waste. If you’re planning on using the same type of material for multiple projects, you can buy it in bulk (or even by the truckload) and store it until you need it. This can be particularly helpful if your home renovation project involves renovating an older home with low-quality materials that were originally intended to be temporary or decorative.

For example, if your basement needs new flooring, consider reusing whatever old flooring you have down there instead of buying new wood or tile. If your kitchen needs new countertops but doesn’t require any major structural changes, consider repurposing an existing countertop as part of a DIY project; check out our guide on how to do this here! You could also use your old basement floor tiles as wall tiles in another room or add them under cabinets for extra design impact without spending money on anything new!

5. DIY What You Can

If you’re just getting started with home renovations, the easiest way to cut costs is by doing what you can yourself. Check out sites like YouTube for tutorials on how to put together Ikea furniture and paint your walls. If you have any friends who are handy, ask them for advice. Also, keep in mind that not everything has to be done by yourself—you can always hire a professional if something seems too complicated or will take up too much of your time. Be sure to check out our guide on how to save money when hiring contractors before starting any major work around your house!

There are some things that should never be attempted without proper training though, so make sure not to DIY anything where injury could easily occur (like electrical wiring). And think twice before spending a lot of time learning how do something if it’s not something very important—just because it might save money doesn’t mean it’s worth it!

6. Stay on Top of the Project

During the renovation process, you will be living in a construction zone. It’s important that you stay on top of your contractor and their team so that they don’t neglect any aspect of the project.

What happens if you don’t stay on top? You may start to feel uncomfortable with how quickly things are moving along, or not moving at all. It’s easy to get frustrated during renovations when you’re living in a construction zone—especially if it’s taking longer than expected!

The best way to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks is by communicating effectively with your contractor and making sure they really understand what you want out of this project. If something doesn’t seem right, bring it up immediately before it becomes more difficult (and costly) later on down the road!

7. Shop Around for Materials and Appliances

The cost of materials varies widely, so it’s important to compare prices before buying anything. For example, the same tile might cost $15 more at Home Depot than at Builder’s Best Hardware. Also, consider using reclaimed materials such as flooring instead of buying new ones; this could save you a lot of money in the long run!

When it comes to appliances and fixtures, it’s best not to go with the cheapest option because these can often be unreliable or break down quickly due to poor quality parts or shoddy manufacturing processes. Instead, opt for mid-range brands like KitchenAid or Whirlpool which will last much longer than cheap imitations – plus they’ll look great too!


So there you have it. If you’re looking to get started on your next renovation project and are looking for some valuable tips, we hope you found what you were looking for here. Our list of seven steps is by no means exhaustive, but it should provide you with some useful insights on how to approach your home renovations in Vancouver more cost-effectively.

Save money with our affordable Vancouver home renovation service

Vancouver Renovate offers high quality home renovation services in Vancouver and the surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional workmanship, which is why we use only the best products and materials. Our team of skilled professionals have decades of combined experience, so you can rest assured knowing that your project will be handled with care.

Our goal is to ensure that you get exactly what you want from your renovation project. Whether it’s bathroom renovation or home renovation, creating a new space for entertaining or designing an entire floor plan, our team will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your vision becomes a reality.

Home Renovations, Bathroom Renovations, Kitchen Remodel and Renovations in Vancouver

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1075 Marine Dr #103, North Vancouver, BC V7P 1S6



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